Shark Supply LLC 
The Big Shark Supplier with the Tiny Environmental Footprint
Over 25 years supplying the Apex Predator of the Aquarium trade

Halloween Sale: Cownose Rays 20% off when you buy 10 or more & 25% off with 20 or more & 30% off for 30 or more (requires 100% prepay as these will ship as soon as they are collected), no limit/October-November Shipping.  Sale ends the November 1st.


EVERYONE attempting to order sharks for home aquariums OR SIMPLY requesting a bid or pricing MUST SUBMIT A PHOTO OF THEIR SYSTEM!

YOU MUST let us know the size of your tank and must submit a photo or other proof of the size of the system.  We do not sell obligate swimmer sharks like hammerheads to people with guppy tanks and tropical reef tanks!  Obligate swimmer sharks need minimum sized systems of 6 feet by 20 feet but do better in 15 feet to 30 feet diameter circular systems! 
THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO NURSE, HORN, PORT JACKSON, BAMBOO SHARKS or any other sessile shark just the obligate swimmers. If you don't know the difference, submit the photo and dimensions with your inquiry.

Individual Buyers for personal use: Home Aquarists

You should contact us by email or phone requesting a bid on your order as well as expected availability.  You can then arrange payment.  Your order will require upfront full payment or a deposit depending on what you are​ ordering and the availability.  You may pay by cash, cashiers check, wire transfer, money order or Bitcoin.

Include your name, address, phone, aquarium dimensions, and attach at least one picture of your aquarium.  This information is required to assure that you are not another wannabe competitor trying to get a pricelist or someone who does not even have an aquarium who just wishes to waste our time.  Without this information, we will not waste time responding to an email or voicemail.  


If you do not comply with all the terms, you accept full responsibility for the losses and receive NOTHING! 
Our policy is replacement most of the time.
Credit for alternative available stock or credit for the following season if the collection of replacements is not possible due to the seasonal availability is another option at OUR discretion.  This is another reason to order before the season and take delivery EARLY in the season to assure replacements.  
This is critical with public aquaria or aquarium companies where a system collapse error or shipper problem could necessitate replacements.  This is exceptionally crucial with aquarium openings and large private tanks.  This is another reason you should have acclimation facilities for public displays. Shipper mishandling does not result in a refund nor do we accept responsibility for any mishandling by any third party involved in transport and shipping of your order. We will file the insurance claim with them but a shipper error does not result in a refund. The only exception is that if you arrange shipment or do your own transport, our guarantee does not cover your arrangments or transport or shipment. Our LAG covers you with credit or replacement if we arrange shipment to your airport or facility.