Shark Supply LLC 
The Big Shark Supplier with the Tiny Environmental Footprint
Over 25 years supplying the Apex Predator of the Aquarium trade

Labor Day Sale: Buy 4 Bonnethead Sharks, get ONE FREE. Buy 10 Atlantic Rays and get 2 free! 
Get 2 FREE Cownose Ray with every 10 you buy, no limit (October/November Shipping)  Sale ends the 25th.

How to Order from us

The manner of placing a shark order with us depends on who you are and what you are ordering.  ALL BUYERS MUST READS THIS ENTIRE PAGE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND TO THESE TERMS IN ADDITION TO ANY MADE SPECIFIC TO THEIR ORDER.  ALL TERMS ARE INTENDED TO PROTECT SHARK SUPPLY L.L.C. FROM ANY LIABILITY and to disclose all risks and issues that are known to the seller.

ORDERS for public aquaria are collected only after receipt of payment or deposit!  

We no longer stock a large variety of North Atlantic animals as they do not all sell and this is not the best option for the animals or the wild population.  Other sharks like Sandbar and Sandtiger sharks require special permits. We may have sold all of the ones on our permit or we must ask for another permit. Therefore, you MUST plan your purchases ahead of time and arrange payment and shipping BEFORE the season begins for best results.  We collect domestic orders in the order that payment was received.  So, you should not wait to place an order.  That will put you lower on the list not at the top of the list! Contact us directly for more information and to plan your next order.

TANK SIZE: EVERYONE attempting to order sharks for home aquariums OR SIMPLY REQUESTING A BID OR PRICING must let us know the size of your tank and must submit a photo or other proof of the size of the system.  We do not sell obligate swimmer sharks like hammerheads to people with guppy tanks and tropical reef tanks!  Obligate swimmer sharks need minimum sized systems of 6 feet by 25 feet but do better in 20 feet to 30 feet diameter circular systems! THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO NURSE SHARKS or any other sessile shark only the obligate swimmers. 

If you are a public aquarium, you should contact us at least 3 months before you need the fish and at least a month before the collection season for the species begins whenever possible.  If you are uncertain when your species must be collected, just contact us as soon as you think you want a species.  You will need to arrange payment with us by phone, confirmed by a written agreement.  Your order will require upfront full payment or a deposit depending on what you are ordering and the availability.   You may pay by cash, cashiers check, wire transfer, (fee may apply), money order, or Bitcoin.  We do not offer anyone net 30 days or other credit arrangements, especially on an initial order.  Repeat clientele or contracts may receive terms dictated by a written agreement.  Orders are prepay or deposit with balance due prior to shipment or full prepay at our discretion.

Individuals: Unless you have a system the size described above for obligate swimmers, we no longer import species adequate to small home systems.  If you have a legitimate shark tank or pond, send the pictures for verification.  Include in one picture some form of date proof indicating that the images are recent.  If you are looking to build a system, you can hire us to consult on the build.  WE HIGHLY recommend you do that as many tank builders offer "shark tanks" that are NOT designed for sharks.  We will not place a shark in a system with you that it will outgrow or that is too small for it.  Due to lack of air shipment, we really do not cater to the private aquarist any more.  We are sorry to see that end as we were the first suppliers to home shark keepers but with the lend of sessile shark importation from Australia and the Pacific, we simply no longer have sharks that can live  good life in small aquariums.  

If you are a pet shop, jobber, or wholesaler, you should try to order as much as you can at one time to save on shipping and assure that you get what you need before supply runs out.  YOU AONLE are responsible to arrange shipment of transport of the sharks to your client and the adequacy of their home system.  IF YOU SELL THEM A SHARK that is too big or inappropriate for their system, that liability remains SOLELY WITH YOU.  You are legally and ethically required to place fish in an adequate system and to provide REALISTIC expectations for your clients.  We have seen too many upset clients calling us for more sharks when pet shops or local builders  sold them reef tanks with the name "shark tank".  DON'T DO IT!  or Don't call us if you do.  We continue to tell private tank owners the truth with they try to buy from us and their system is too small or improperly designed to house our sharks.

OTHER PAYMENT NOTES FOR ALL - If you order is a live transport, you may be allowed to pay the balance upon arrival.

Due to the end of any same day quick short flight airfrieght, our Live Arrival Guarantee of 25 years is no longer available for sharks!  As they must now be truck delivered, the liability is transferred to whomever you hire for transport.  Our responsibility for the survival of any animal ends upon its tendering or handing over to the persons transporting the animal.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

You should insure your shipment due to the high price of shipping.  Also, due to the longer flight routes for other tropical fish and rays, we DO NOT offer any guarantees if nbo claim is filed with the airline.  All shipments we tender are shipped through Southwest Air Cargo NFG service (Next Flight Guaranteed) with freight costs due on arrival.  This allows you to pay the lowest rate for shipping and to insure against loss.  ALL FREIGHT MUST BE INSPECTED AT THE TIME OF PICKUP IN THE CARGO OFFICE BEFORE SIGNING FOR THE SHIPMENT, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Failure to inspect your fish to see that it is alive and was not mishandled results in your accepting all losses! 
Live arrival guaranteed for rays, fishes and any animal that we air ship EXCEPT SHARKS.  
HOWEVER, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GUARANTEE!  If you do not comply with all the terms, you are entitled to NOTHING!

Our policy is replacement most of the time or credit for alternative available stock or credit for the following season if the collection of replacements is not possible due to the seasonal availability.  This is another reason to order before the season and take delivery EARLY in the season to assure replacements.  This is critical with public aquaria or aquarium companies where a system collapse error or shipper problem could necessitate replacements.  This is exceptionally crucial with aquarium openings and large private tanks.  This is another reason you should have acclimation facilities for public displays. Shipper mishandling does not result in a refund nor do we accept responsibility for any mishandling by any third party involved in transport and shipping of your order. We will file the insurance claim with them but a shipper error does not result in a refund. The only exception is that if you arrange shipment or do your own transport, our guarantee does not cover your arrangments or transport or shipment. Our LAG covers you with credit or replacement if we arrange shipment to your airport or facility.

We do not store sharks for clients except by special arrangement and compensation.  You may ask that we hold portions of an order until the order is complete.  But if you aren't ordering thousands of dollars of stock, do not bother to ask.  WE CANNOT tie up our tanks holding fish separately for you.  Making an order plan is done to facilitate the quick and fastidious collection, quarantine and transfer of your order to you.  If we are holding and feeding your order, that costs money.  Therefore, in any case that we hold fish or animals for you, there will be a weekly storage charge.  It takes time and money to set up extra tanks here to hold animals.  Plus, you are expecting us to be responsible for your order during holding (which is usually during hurricane season).  That places more financial liability on us not simply base cost.  Therefore, if part of your order is not in stock or is collected to order, you will need to take shipment on the available portion of your order and get the rest when it passes quarantine.  Any sales agreement is based upon your acceptance of the order or portion thereof at the time that it passes out of quarantine.  Any holding after quarantine will result in a weekly holding fee that will reflect the value of the stock not simply the cost of feeding them.

You must accept that not only is collection seasonal but NOAA NIMFS now makes artificial collections seasons ("windows for collection") for EACH AND EVERY species of North Atlantic sharks.  If you fail to order early enough in the year and the federal government closes down the fishing season for your order before it is collected, you will have to wait until the following year's season reopening.  This is entirely out of our control and has little to do with actual availability.  Their arbitrary collection windows may not coincide with our annual historic collection periods on certain species.  You must plan ahead and accept the inevitable and uncontrollable government regulation of your order and understand that we are NOT LIABLE for a seasonal closure date.  Dates of closures are announced after the fact at times and are not known well ahead of the date picked by NOAA.

ATTENTION BROKERS:  You must identify that you are a broker or buyer and NOT a public aquarium to receive pricing or bids.  Also, if you are procuring an all inclusive bid with freight to a foreign country, there will be a bid fee you must pay before we begin gathering freight quotes for that bid unless we already know freight to your country.  We have lost too much time and money doing complete bids for brokers who should be able to get their own freight estimates and document fees and costs.  The bid fee will be credited to your order payment once you order, if said order is placed within 6 months of the bid.  Also, if you fail to identify yourself as a broker during the bid process, there will be a penalty fee added to your order.  You can identify the aquarium you are bidding for as the final client and IT WILL BE REQUIRED for the permit for restricted or protected species.  You can provide a Noncircumvent agreement to us. You should never represent yourself as working for the public aquarium during their bid solicitation process!  Be forthright with us and we will do the same for you.

We have developed these policies for the fair treatment and protection of you, the buyer, and us, the supplier.  You should contact us with the order you would like to place and we will arrange a payment method, shipping date and finalize the manner of ordering and the payment prior to you sending us any money. You will also be expected to provide information in your order.  You must also provide a cellular phone number for the person picking up any shipment from the airport.  If you are a jobber, reseller, or retailer, you will be expected to supply complete contact information and your business information including street address.You will be required to email us a photo of your system prior to ordering.  We will not send sharks to people with systems that are too small.  A picture of your system is the fastest and safest way to confirm your hobby and suitability for a shark and is required.  Also, individuals trying to resell sharks will be separated from retail clients.  All sharks sold to private aquarists are not for resale especially, interstate resale as reselling will violate some laws based upon which state is involved. 

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: We cannot be responsible for legal issues and game laws in your area as there is no provision for resale by unlicensed retail clients! Also, collection of sharks is affected by environmental conditions that are beyond our control.  Therefore, replacements may not be available in a timely fashion and even initial collection can be delayed by such variables as hurricanes and El Nino.  Therefore if your schedule does not allow for such contingencies, you must notify us prior to deposit as deposits are non-refundable.  Alternative credit is acceptable in certain cases at our discretion with approval by both parties.  Equal or fair value trade or credit can be offered with approval.  Further, we are not responsible for carrier or airline failures or delays or government delays that hazard your shipment.  Lastly, all orders must be picked up within 30 minutes of the time the shipment is marked "ready for pickup" by the airline or there is no guarantee of live arrival!

Public aquaria, pet shops, and wholesalers - Include your name, title, telephone number and the aquarium for which you work.

Private aquarists, hobbyists and fish keepers - Include your name, address, phone, aquarium dimensions, and attach at least one picture of your aquarium.  This information is required to assure that you are not another wannabe competitor trying to get a pricelist or someone who does not even have an aquarium who just wishes to waste our time.  Without this information, we will not waste time responding to an email.  If you wish to find out the availability of an order or inquire as to the collection of an order, please, email us.  YOU MUST PROVIDE THE DIMENSIONS OF YOUR TANK IN YOUR EMAIL.  We don't care about gallons, just physical dimensions.  A million gallon system can be made from a 3 foot diameter column.  So, gallons do not tell us anything about your system's suitability for sharks.  Provide actual dimension in feet
!If you have read the above and are ready to order, please, email us at or call us.

Anything less would be highway robbery or straight up fraud.  Anyone who cannot guarantee live delivery of the fish they ship does not know THIS TRADE well enough to be in this business.  NOTE: Your order must be accepted by you within 30 minutes of the time the shipment is marked "ready for pickup" by the airline or there is no guarantee of live arrival!
(Public Aquaria will get a replacement stock or receive credit towards other purchases or stock of equal value. Please, see the terms of your purchase agreement.)

Shipping Methods

PUBLIC AQUARIA DOMESTIC USA:  You can ONLY truck ship sharks!  You can arrange transport of your whole order with your own designated or desired freight hauler.  Just send out the tractor to our facility for pickup and have the order delivered to your door.  Return our transport tanks when complete if you do not have transport tanks.  IF you hold our transport on your site for additional acclimation, you will be assessed rental fees for the time the equipment is tied up.  On small or single animal shipments, you can, of course, opt for airline shipping.  It is often the most economical for single animal orders.  For airline shipping the live arrival guarantee terms are described below.

PUBLIC AQUARIA INTERNATIONAL: Your orders must go by airline unless you have the ability and know how to arrange a shipment via a ship.  You will need to hire a US Trucking company to take your order to the airport in Atlanta, Georgia, ATL.  You will need to hire a freight forwarder to handle US export and your country's import.  
Airfreight of sharks and other delicate animals can be protected or insured by paying more freight and using our larger shipping containers.  We will not guarantee live arrival on international flights or with any third party shipping company. You should insure your shipment against loss by death with your insurance company or surety agent on top of using the shipper insurance. We will suggest to you the safest options for having your order transported to you even if it entails sending our shark wrangler with the order.  For airline shipping the live arrival guarantee terms are described below ONLY if we tender the sharks to the airline or sea vessel.  
If you use an outside shipper or other broker or third party, they will be responsible for the sharks from the time that they take possession of your order.  You will also have the burden of providing ALL NECESSARY documents required for importation of the cargo into your country. We suggest you use a broker to do the paperwork and clear your order through customs in the USA and your country. If customs delays your shipment's clearance and the cargo dies, that is your responsibility. We accept no responsibility for customs or customs delays. We also accept no responsibility for missing documents. While email is faster to send such documents, it is suggested that you arrange faxes or MAIL us the hard copies of all forms with any large import order. BE SAFE. There is too much riding on a clerical error failure.  SMALL ORDERS TO PRIVATE & PUBLIC AQUARIA BY PLANE: We ship most sharks from airport to airport (public aquarium shipments may be live transport to your door.  Contact us if you are a public aquarium).  We use direct flights as much as possible.  You will have to pick up your shark from the airport in your area.  We will email you detailed instructions for a shark pick up.  There are a few things you should know.  You will probably not need special equipment though some things might be good to have.  We will give you suggestions for protecting your sharks.  You should also NOT need any special transport tanks!  You simply transport the shipping container to your system as fast as you can.  We will also explain acclimation to you so that your animal is not unduly stressed.  YOU MUST follow our acclimation procedures in order for us to stand behind the shark and any special offer or warrantee that we provide.  Acclimation procedures are supplied after payment is received and prior to shipment.  We can ship by air anywhere in the world.  We DO stand behind our Hammerhead shipments as long as you take delivery during the season when replacements are available.  End of season replacements must be collected during the next available season.  Buy with confidence.  Our quality is a measure of our character!


If the fish or other animals are DOA, you must

  2. You must call us and report any loss within 15 minutes of receiving a shipment at the airport. You must text us a photograph at that time from the airport of the DOAs.
  3. You must have the counter person or aircargo employee observe the damaged box or loss. They must sign or initial the back of your AWB or a sheet of paper identifying that the animal is DOA and that they observed that it was DOA.
  4. Your order must be accepted by you within 30 minutes of the time the shipment is marked "ready for pickup" by the airline or there is no guarantee of live arrival!
  5. Record the water temperature at the counter of the airport.
  6. If the water temperature is 80 degrees F or higher OR below 65 degrees F, then, the death is due to shipping company mishandling and you must file a claim on the spot or begin the claim by having the counter person sign off on the actual temperature at that time.
  7. For replacements, file the claim in our name. If you file in your name, then, you must wait for your refund from the airline as we WILL NOT REFUND you.
  8. If the bag is ruptured, the box is punctured, crushed or broken, then, you must assume the shipper is at fault and report or file the claim at the counter as described in condition #5.
  9. Test the ammonia and pH level of the water and report that and the other information to us that you have gathered.
  10. Preserve the fish in salt (one 33 cent container of salt should be enough) then freeze the fish and be ready to ship it back to us if requested to do so.

You may say, "Why is your guarantee and inspection requirements different from everyone else?" Well, that is because we have seen more fish losses (DOA) due to shipper mishandling and failure to pick up than any other cause of loss. We rarely lose stingrays in shipments and they are packaged and shipped with the utmost regard for their safety and survival. In our experience, losses have resulted generally from shipper mishandling. We have seen ground crew flip over boxes of cownose rays ignoring the labelling, drop boxes, and have seen crushed boxes and burst bags (caused by drops from great height, tossing and equipment crushing). That is also the reason that we accept ZERO - NO- NONE of the liability for you shipment when we hand it over to a third party to transport it. That liability resides with the shipping company.PRIVATE AQUARISTS: You will be asked to provide a lot of information about your identity and your system.  You will also need to email us a photo of you and your system before we will discuss any price not already posted on this web site.  We will not sell you a shark that is too large for your system.  If you find this requirement a nuisance, you should try and buy elsewhere.  You cannot understand how many requests for sharks and prices we get from home aquarists who do not have a real shark tank set up.  Those inquiries waste our time and money.  That is why we require the photos.  No photos, no response.  You should also know that there are certain species that we cannot sell you because of laws or because they are simply too pricey for you.  For now, please, contact us by email.  Provide your phone number and we can call you back.  We will not be posting our phone number yet as we do not wish to be overwhelmed with calls.  If you have an adequate system and you really want a shark, you will comply with our requests and you will probably be able to own the shark of your dreams.

Our collection techniques and patterns of harvest are more than sustainable and they are PROPRIETARY.  We do not discuss them with the public but we are proud of being a pioneer in shark and marine animal conservation.  We pioneered strategies of harvest that align with natural patterns of reproductions avoiding vulnerabilities while exploiting the strengths of marine overproduction in reproductive cycles.  We are the leading pioneer in working to maintain a near invisible environmental footprint.  The only time that we may impact wild populations is through the blind and bad policy of government regulatory agencies that force taking of big breeders which we do not agree with as a practice.  However, we are stuck with more and more regulations that do NOT take into account the best practices of harvest, best techniques for low impact harvest or best practices to take advantage of the natural reproductive cycles of some species.  Wherever possible, we have ZERO IMPACT on the wild populations of the species that we offer.

Do not waste time calling if you have not identified your system with pictures and the aquarium for which your work!
Aquarium owners and employees may disregard this warning but still need to submit system sizes and photos for bids.

DO NOT call us asking for pricing for college course budget assignments or architectural class homework assignments! Don't waste our time or get in trouble for harassment (a felony in SC).

Public Aquarium Quick Contact Form

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